How To Join A Run Club Near You In 2024

How To Join A Run Club Near You In 2024

If you want to start running but don't want to go by yourself, this article applies to you. Run club hype just keeps growing all over the world. Joining a run club for the first time can be scary or confusing to some. In this post, we’ll explain how to start running in a club and take the stress out of the process.

What is a Run Club, and Why Does it Matter?

Jogging for exercise or recreation you may think has been around for as long as humans have. But this is incorrect. This only started to gain popularity in the 1950s, before this time running and jogging were seen as weird and attracted attention from the police. (It is actually a great read and can be found HERE ).

Running has been continuing to trend in popularity. It is a great form of exercise to keep you mentally and physically healthy. However, it isn’t the most entertaining form of exercise. Running by yourself in a straight line can be boring and decrease motivation to continue. 

Well in steps Run Clubs. These are social groups of runners usually from the same area engaging in running together. They meet once or twice a week, early in the morning or after work to conquer the art of running. This run club forms a community with a common goal and a positive atmosphere surrounding the event. Friendships are formed and social engagements are enjoyed. They encourage everyone no matter what their fitness level is to give it a go and have fun.

With social media fueling the fire for running clubs many people are signing up for these clubs. However, not everyone knows how to do this and may feel left out. That is why we have put together this simple guide to join a running club in your local area.

How to join a run club

How to join a Run Club

Social Media

This is the easiest way to identify running clubs in your local area. Simply go onto Instagram or Facebook and search Run Club. Results may include running clubs that your friends have already joined. This is a great way to enter a group with someone else to ease your social anxiety. Sometimes groups have funky names but the location of the run club meeting point can be found in the Bios. This will be a great place to see if this group is the right fit for you. Don't be afraid to message someone in the group for more information and to potentially link up on your first run. You will find these groups to focus on the social


Simple Google Run clubs near me or run club (your suburb or town/city). This will show you the running clubs with a website that will have all the required details to join up. Or contact information to get these details. These run clubs with websites will usually be larger in amount people attending the event. You can find smaller more niche clubs on Instagram and then check how many followers they have.


Strava is an app used to upload physical activity in a social media-like setting. It is very popular amongst runners and cyclists to upload their activity for others to see. On this app, you can also search for Running Clubs. Click the search button, then Clubs, type the club you are interested in or filter closer to your area.

I have found a club now what?

Before you start you should know what you are getting into by grabbing all the required details. Some larger running clubs may require you to complete forms or pay a fee before you can attend. Some groups may also list their running speed that's needed to stay with the pack.  However, most run clubs are free and invite all to join regardless of your fitness level. They will allow you to run, jog, walk, or even crawl if needed. 

Find the time and location where the group will be meeting. Get there a little earlier when it is your first time to find your feet and meet up with others. It can also be nerve-wracking to attend by yourself but shows great character. If this is too much for you try to attend with a friend or family member. Or try to engage a club local beforehand and meet them there on the day.

How to join a run club

What to bring?

Running shoes is a must but make sure these aren't brand new as you don't want to be hurting from blisters halfway through. Comfortable clothing to run in and get a little sweaty. Consider pants with pockets to hold your car keys and phone. Also, bring some money cause I can bet you the next stop will be the cafe for an early morning coffee!

Enjoy the process! It can be a difficult concept or task, some new runners may still feel it overwhelmed and unsure of their ability to tackle it. But remember that everyone had to start somewhere and who knows what could happen. Take the gamble!

Here are some of the best-run clubs in Melbourne, Australia to join found in this earlier article! BEST RUN CLUBS IN MELBOURNE 2024

And if you are from Sydney, Australia here are the best-run clubs for you to join! BEST RUN CLUBS IN SYDNEY 2024

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